Applications to Other Schools & Transcript Requests
Requests for School Records/Transcripts
If your child is applying to a private school and the school needs copies of their report cards/transcripts, please follow these directions:
- If the private school requires a hard copy to be mailed, please provide stamped (two stamps) and addressed envelopes and the transcript request form from the school to the main office assistant, Mrs. Jennifer Harford ( Allow two (2) weeks for processing and factor that into your application deadline. If the applications are due before the end of the first semester and you require the second marking period report card to be sent to the school, you must again email Jennifer Harford at the time of the second request.
- If the private school uses an online management system such as EMA to request transcripts, please fill in Mrs. Harford's information ( for the transcript request section.
Forms for the Principal or School Counselor and Requests for School Record
Please submit this request directly to your grade level counselor:
Teacher Recommendation Forms
The English and Math departments use Eastern Middle School's universal Math and English recommendation form ONLY. No teacher is required to complete a recommendation form. However, if your child's English and/or Math teacher has agreed to write this recommendation, please follow the guidelines listed here in order to expedite the time-consuming process of writing, copying, and mailing the many requests we get each year.
- Please ask each teacher directly (via email is fine) if he/she would fill out a recommendation for your child.
- If so, use the links to download and print Eastern Middle School English Recommendation form and Math Recommendation form. Please sign the confidentiality agreement at the top and send it back in with your child to their English/Math teacher. Because this goes to schools, encourage your child to be careful with it.
- Provide envelopes that are both stamped and addressed to the appropriate schools which you apply.
- Please allow at least two (2) weeks for these forms to be completed and factor that into your application deadline. If you leave it for the teacher on a Friday or the day before a vacation, please realize that the two weeks will begin on the next school day!