Electronic Devices Policy
All students are provided with a school-issued chromebook to support their educational needs. Students will utilize only the district issued device unless there is an extenuating circumstance for a device or resource necessary for unique learning needs which are addressed through a 504, IEP, or parent/guardian and administrative meeting. The district has software controls which limit the capacity of the devices to learning needs, and minimizes the distractions of platforms such as chat features or Facetime. These limitations are essential for a high quality, focused learning environment.
Only school issued laptop devices should be utilized unless the principal has approved extenuating circumstances.
Users are expected to treat these devices with extreme care and caution; these are expensive devices that the school is entrusting to your care. Users are to report any loss, damage, or malfunction to IT staff immediately, Users may be financially accountable for any damage resulting from negligence or misuse. (Cost of district- provided device varies but typically is about $500)
Cell Phone Usage - “No Cell Bell to Bell” (8:00 am - 2:45 pm)
GPS encourages the delay in the purchase of any cell phone products as students enter middle school. However, if cell phones are brought to school they are to be off and away for the duration of the day, either in backpacks or lockers. There should be no cell phones in clothes pockets or on the person. Off and away every day in backpacks or lockers. Students are personally responsible for the security of their electronic communication devices. Schools are not responsible for loss or theft of such devices.
There should be zero cell phone usage during passing time, lunch, or during instructional blocks. Students may request permission from the teacher or supervising adult to utilize a phone for taking pictures of notes on the board or other learning strategies, but only with permission for appropriate use. If the parent/guardian feels there is a safety need given unique circumstances, such as walking a long distance to or from school each day, then the phones must be off and away in lockers or backpacks for the duration of the day. There should be no cell phone use during the school day. “No Cell Bell to Bell.”
The main office telephones may be used with permission from a teacher or staff member.
Smart Wearables
Smart wearables such as Apple Watch, Fitbit Versa, Amazfit, Garmin Venu, Galaxy Watch, Pixel Watch, Withings ScanWatch Horizon or other wearables should not be brought to school.
If there is a safety reason why a student needs a wearable, then the parent or guardian should meet with the administration who will then acknowledge and approve in coordination with any other resource personnel, such as the nurse, that such wearable is allowed for that student. For instance, a student who wears a monitoring device for their heart, blood sugar regulation, insulin dependency, or other critical wearable. If the device requires the use of a cell phone, an implementation plan should be put in place along with the approval of the wearable.
Inappropriate Use and Consequences
Any inappropriate use of cell phones or other devices will be handled swiftly and in conjunction with the Middle and High School Conduct grid as established by Greenwich Public Schools for consistent implementation of disciplinary infractions.
At all grade levels, repeated infractions will require the student to turn the phone in at the office and the parents or guardians will need to come in and retrieve the device.