Office Reminders for Parents
Please call the office at 203-637-1744 by 8:00 am to report your child's absence. Non-medical extended absences of more than three days require an extended absence form from the main office. Teachers are not responsible for preparing student work under this condition; completion required upon return to school with teacher supervision. It remains the student's responsibility to inform teachers of their absences and meet with them upon their return regarding make-up work.
Early Dismissal - Personal Reasons
If you need to pick your child up early, please send a note with them to the main office in the morning.
From the Nurse's Office
EMS Nurse's Office
For information regarding Medications, Illnesses & Special Health Care Needs, and Health Screenings follow links to the District Health Services pages.
Problems with Aspen:
Parents who need assistance with Aspen login (usernames or passwords) must contact the district IT team by emailing the Parent Portal HelpDesk at
Additional technical support for parents is available on the district Parent Portal page on the GPS website.