EMS Traffic Procedures
Please see the photos for the locations to pick up and drop off students. Please use extreme caution to assure all of our students and staff, at these busy and crowded times, are safe. Finally, to improve the flow of traffic, especially in the morning, students should be prepared to exit the car both quickly and safely so cars are not backed up excessively.
For student safety and timely parent drop-off/pickup, please stay to the right side of the driveway along the sidewalk when picking up your child and/or waiting to pick them up. The left side lane is for through traffic only. This allows for vehicles that have already picked students up, are trying to exit, or get to the rear of the building.
Students should not be crossing traffic to the left lane to get picked up. This poses a significant safety risk.
We need your help to keep the traffic flowing. Please remember the following when dropping off in the morning and picking up in the afternoon:
Please be patient and courteous at all times.
Please do not drop off or pick up your child on Hendrie Avenue
Please do not double park and leave your vehicle
Please do not block the crosswalk or parking spaces
Please do not park in the bus loop at any time of the day