Competitive Sports
EMS Competitive Sports 2024-25
EMS Winter Sports (Basketball) Registrati
We are excited to announce that Winter (Basketball) Sports Registration is now open for the upcoming season!
Winter Sports: Boys A & B Basketball, Girls A & B Basketball (B teams are open to 6th & 7th grade only)
Try-out Dates: December 2nd, 3rd, 5th, & 6th 2024 (Subject to change)
Season: December 9th, 2024 - February 7th, 2025
Deadline for Registration: November 25th, 2024 (No Exceptions)
To streamline the registration process and better serve our student-athletes and families, we are utilizing the registration system called Final Forms, which has proven to be highly successful at Greenwich High School over the past 3 years and at EMS over the past 3 seasons.
If your student athlete is interested in trying out for Boys or Girls Basketball this winter, please log into Final Forms and register.
Registration must be completed EACH SEASON!
*Commitment: 4 days per week (No Wednesdays).
* Students need to have their own transportation home after practices and games.
*All teams other than Co-ed Track & Field will hold tryouts and most likely make cuts.
Winter Season Schedule (games and practices will be added throughout November): EMS Basketball Schedule 2024/25
The deadline for registering for Winter Sports is November 25, 2024. No registration will be accepted after this date. All students who wish to try out MUST have a CURRENT physical uploaded in Final Forms. If you uploaded the CT-HAR is past seasons, please make sure that it is *CURRENT. *Physicals are good for 13 months from the date of the actual physical exam. The only form accepted is the CT-HAR. Once you register, we encourage you to log back in after a week or so to make sure that your child is in "Green" status. If the student athlete is not "Green," this means that something is missing and the student will not be eligible for tryouts.
*If you have any questions regarding the registration or physical please email: sportsphysicalems@
**If you have any sports specific questions, please email